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Knife Crime

Skilled Legal Representation for Knife Offences

Have you found yourself facing accusations of a knife offence? Whether you're seeking to contest a conviction or require legal assistance in navigating the complexities of knife crime allegations, our team of experienced criminal defence lawyers at BKP Solicitors is here to help.

Why Choose Us

  • Years of Expertise: With a wealth of experience in defending individuals charged with knife related crimes across the UK, our team possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to protect your rights and advocate on your behalf effectively.

  • Understanding the Severity: In response to the escalating prevalence of knife crime in recent years, the legal landscape surrounding weapons offences has become increasingly stringent. Our team is well versed in the latest sentencing guidelines and strives to achieve the most favourable outcome for our clients.

  • Immediate Assistance: Whether you're under investigation, have been arrested, charged, or released on bail, our dedicated team is available to provide immediate legal assistance and support.

Possession of a Knife Offence

Simply carrying a knife, even without the intent to use it, can lead to serious legal repercussions. Since the implementation of the "two strikes" policy in 2015, a second conviction for possession of a knife carries an immediate prison sentence of 6 months to 4 years.

Understanding Sentencing for Knife Crime

Sentences for knife related offences have become increasingly severe, reflecting public concern and legislative changes. Offenders may face imprisonment, fines, or community sentences depending on the circumstances and any aggravating or mitigating factors present.

What to Do If You're Arrested

If you find yourself arrested for carrying a knife, it's essential to seek legal advice immediately. Our experienced solicitors can provide representation at the police station and guide you through the legal process.

Understanding 'Good Reason' for Carrying a Knife

While carrying a knife in public without good reason is illegal, certain circumstances may justify its possession. Examples include carrying knives for work purposes, exhibitions, or religious practices.

Banned Knives and Offensive Weapons

Several types of knives are banned under UK law, including flick knives, butterfly knives, and disguised knives. Possession of these weapons constitutes a criminal offence and may result in severe penalties.

Available Defences for Possession of an Offensive Weapon

There are limited defences available for being found in possession of a knife or offensive weapon. Defendants may claim lawful authority or a reasonable excuse, such as carrying the weapon as a tool of trade or for immediate self defence.

Knife Crime Statistics

Knife and offensive weapon offences have fluctuated over recent years, with a slight decrease reported in the year ending March 2020. However, these crimes remain a significant concern for law enforcement and society as a whole.

If you're facing allegations related to knife crime, don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team of Knife Offence Lawyers for expert legal guidance and representation. We're available 24/7 to assist you in safeguarding your rights and achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

BKP Solicitors
