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VAT Fraud

VAT Fraud Solicitors: Missing Trader and Carousel Fraud Scheme Investigations

Our VAT Fraud Solicitors have been assisting businesses accused of VAT fraud since 1998, offering industry leading legal advice backed by extensive expertise.

VAT fraud investigations can severely disrupt businesses due to their detailed nature. Moreover, they put both company and personal reputations at risk, adding to the stress faced by business owners and their families.

Given the complexity of VAT fraud laws and the thoroughness of investigations, these cases can be protracted and intricate. Seeking expert legal advice promptly is crucial to ensure you have the necessary support and guidance.

How Our VAT Fraud Solicitors Can Assist You

With over 20 years of experience, our VAT Fraud Solicitors provide advice in complex cases and possess the knowledge required for the best possible defence.

We have earned a reputation for defending serious cases with unmatched tenacity, dealing with enforcement agencies such as:

  • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
  • The Serious Fraud Office (SFO)

Throughout your case, we will:
  • Represent you during questioning
  • Ensure your rights are protected
  • Advise you on your plea
  • Apply for bail if necessary
  • Fully prepare you for trial
  • Provide expert representation in court
  • Assist with the appeals process if required
  • Help you protect your reputation

Call us today at 0800 999 2472 to speak with a member of our team.

What Is VAT Fraud?

VAT fraud occurs when a business either undercharges or fails to pay the appropriate amount of VAT to HMRC.

Due to the complexity of VAT rules, genuine mistakes can lead to investigations for VAT fraud. Common examples include:

  • Suppressing sales or inflating purchases
  • Not charging VAT when required
  • Falsifying VAT invoices
  • Charging VAT without registration and not accounting for it

Penalties for VAT Fraud

VAT fraud is a serious offence, punishable by financial penalties and potential custodial sentences of up to 10 years for severe cases.

24 Hour Availability

Our legal advisors are available 24/7 to assist you, ensuring you receive fair and appropriate treatment throughout your case.

Legal Aid

If you need assistance with legal fees, we can help you apply for legal aid to ensure you receive the necessary support.

BKP Solicitors
