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Our recent notable cases are:

R-v- IM (2021)

Instructed to represent the lead defendant on a multi handed conspiracy to supply cocaine and money laundering in North East England. The defendant is part of Operation Replay Mike which is a North East Regional Economic Crime Unit investigation arising out of Operation Venetic which is the UK park of an international ale enforcement investigation into the use of encrypted devices by organised crime groups to conduct their illegal activity. 'Encro' or 'encrypted devices' were used primarily due to their high levels of security which have been impenetrable by law enforcement agencies until March 2020. This case involves the supply of approximately 176kg of cocaine across the UK over a 44 day period, during the same period took approximately £6.4 Million in cash for the supply of cocaine.

R-v- FA (2021)

Instructed to represent the lead defendant on operation Swarm T2 which is a multi handed conspiracy to supply cocaine and money laundering in Reading, Berkshire. The evidence relates to significant phone evidence including police interceptions of the defendants voice calls to his associates.

R-v- KC (2021)

Instructed to represent the defendant on a multi handed conspiracy to supply drugs, Production of drugs and supplying drugs in Bolton.

R-v- DS (2021)

Instructed to represent the defendant on a multi handed conspiracy to supply heroin and money laundering in Bradford. The police seized 31kg of heroin with a value of £3.1 Million and a sports bag containing significant cash.

R-v- AA (2020)

Instructed to represent the lead defendant on a multi handed conspiracy to supply cocaine and money laundering in Bedfordshire.

R-v- IKA (2020)

Our client was charged with conspiracy to supply 50 Kilos of Heroin valued at £2.5 Million and Money Laundering. Our client was arrested by the NCA following being observed by officers to have taken part in an exchange. Upon searching his van the NCA found a secret compartment containing £129,940. After making successful representations the prosecution offered no evidence for the offence of conspiracy to supply class A and accepted a plea to money laundering.

R-v- FL (2019)

Instructed to represent the defendant who was charged with others on two separate indictments with supplying £2 Million Heroin and money laundering.

R-v- SM (2017)

Our client was charged with conspiring to supply 10 kilos of heroin along with others. We made a successful application to dismiss the case against him.

R-v- MRW (2019)

Our client was charged with conspiring to supply 10 kilos of heroin along with others. We made a successful application to dismiss the case against him.

R-v-TC (2017)

Instructed to represent TV in relation to Dissemination of Terrorist Publications.

R-v- SI (2016)

Instructed to represent SI in relation to encouraging acts of terrorism on social media contrary to Section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2006.

R-v-AI (2016)

AI was stopped by officers under Schedule 7, Terrorism Act 2000 at London Gatwick Airport, after returning from a trip to Somaliland. No further action was taken against him.

R-v-MI (2016)

Instructed to represent MI who is charged with offences contrary to Schedule 7 Terrorism Act 2000, namely refusing to answer questions, failing to provide information and refusing to provide passwords to his mobile phones.

R-v-ACI (2016)

ACI was arrested by the Police attempting to board a plane using a single way ticket into Istanbul. This was the second time that he has been arrested under the same circumstances. It was believed that he was going to cross the border into Syria to join the ISIS. Significant mindset material and telephone contact with persons in Syria was previously located from his computers and mobile phones on a previous arrest. No further action was taken against him.

R-v-A (2014)

Two brothers who had faced a charge of conspiracy to travel abroad to attend a place used for terrorist training had their trial stopped on this charge at the Old Bailey on the 25th September 2014 by His Honour Judge Gordon after representations were made on our behalf. Muhammed Saeed Ahmed and Muhammed Naeem Ahmed had already pleaded guilty (on their first day of trial in November 2013) to charges of collecting and possessing information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism contrary to section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000.Saeed Ahmed, aged 21 , represented by our firm was sentenced to 22 months imprisonment, suspended for two years. Naeem Ahmed, aged 20, received a sentence of 15 months imprisonment, also suspended for two years. Both brothers were on bail throughout their trial.

R-v-ACI (2014)

ACI was arrested by the Police attempting to board a plane using a single way ticket into Istanbul. He then had a connecting flight to Sanliurfa. It was believed that he was going to cross the border into Syria to join the ISIS. Significant mind-set material and telephone contact with persons in Syria was located from the Defendants computers and mobile phones. No further action was taken against him.

R -v- WK (2021)

ZA is one of nine men charged with the high profile Halifax child sex abuse case.

R -v- RIY (2021)

Instructed to represent RIY on a Multi-handed historical child sex abuse case. The allegations relate to alleged incidents some 17 years ago.

R -v- WK (2019)

WK was one of six men charged with the high profile Rotherham child sex abuse case.

R -v- KM (2016)

KM was a part of the high profile case, dubbed as the ‘Keighley Sex Gang’ a group of 12 men who committed serious sexual offences against two under-aged females in Keighley, West Yorkshire.

R -v- JH (2019)

Instructed to represent JH who is alleged to have fraudulently taken over £750,000 from his employer.

R v ZK (2019)

Instructed to represent ZK and his Limited Company for breaching trademarks namely selling counterfeit Audi Goods to the value of £586,827.86.

R v NC (2019)

Acquittal of our client who was charged with others for counterfeit sales of £472,898 over a five year period.

R -v- JH (2017)

Acquittal for our client JH who was charged with committing fraud over a 2 year period in the capacity of a book keeper. It was alleged that JH had syphoned nearly £2 Million from his employers bank account into his own account.

R -v- OR (2016)

VHCC case codenamed Operation Enigma. OR was one of fifteen people have been arrested in 2010 across the country in connection with suspected money laundering worth more than £200 million. He was prosecuted by HM Revenue & Customs.

R -v- OR (2016)

AC was one of eight men including a magistrate from Bradford, charged with Fraud by False Representation in relation to a plot to defraud Western Union, providers of money transfer services throughout the UK and worldwide. The case involved the defendants tricking Western Union outlets into providing security identification details by making phone calls to them pretending to be from the firm’s IT department.

R v MT (2019)

MT was the lead defendant on an indictment containing five defendants. MT was charged with offences of Murder, S18 Wounding with intent, Violent Disorder and Possession of a bladed article.

R-v-YM (2016)

YM was charged with an offence of attempting to pervert the course of Justice. He was one of six people charged in connection with the murder of Shuel Ali Hussain, who was shot in the stomach on Markham Avenue in Harehills on 9th March 2016.

R V BO (2015)

The Defendant was charged with Murder caused by a single stab wound to the deceased. The Defendant was seen on CCTV carrying a knife and his clothing was found to have traces of the deceased’s blood on them. After 5 days of deliberation the Jury were discharged, a retrial was ordered.

R v FK (2007)

The defendant was accused of shooting a male in the back of the head at point-blank range, with a semi-automatic pistol which had been converted to fire live ammunition.

R -v- MT (2021)

Instructed to represent the defendant a serving prisoner who is alleged to have stabbed a fellow prisoner with a hand made 'shank'.

R -v- AA (2020)

Acquittal for our client at Leicester Crown Court for allegations of S18 Wounding and Possession of an offensive weapon namely knife.

R-v- ZAR (2020)

Acquittal after trial at Bradford for our client charged with two allegations of Assault and Public Disorder.

R -v- MJ (2019)

Acquittal during trial for our client at Bradford Crown Court following a half time submission for no case to answer. MJ was accused of bottling the complainant outside a nightclub. We successfully argued that the complainants identification of the defendant was tainted and therefore not reliable. The Judge agreed and directed the Jury to return a verdict of Not Guilty.

R -v- MS (2018)

Successful defence of MS who was accused of causing death by dangerous driving after colliding into a cyclist in Sheffield.

R V MS (2016)

The defendant was charged with causing death by dangerous driving of a taxi driver and passenger in Bradford City Centre.

R v ZK (2012)

The defendant was charged with causing death by dangerous driving, perverting the course of justice and other motoring offences, in connection with a fatal road Traffic accident.

R v SM (2010)

The defendant was charged with causing death by careless driving and causing death by driving while uninsured for knocking down and killing a pensioner. She received a non custodial sentence.

R -v- ZJ (2019)

The defendant was charged with two others for shooting a shotgun at a property in the Harehills area of Leeds.

R -v- FK (2018)

Defendant charged with possession of Firearms with intent to endanger life after being arrested with a loaded Mac 10 sub machine gun and two pistols with Heroin and Crack Cocaine valued £100,000.

Haques Automotive -v-West Yorkshire Police (2021)

Successful challenge made to West Yorkshire Police regarding the continued retention of our clients vehicles whilst the directors were was under a police investigation for handling stolen goods. The police returned all seized vehicles to our clients.

AH -v-West Yorkshire Police (2021)

Successful challenge made to West Yorkshire Police regarding the continued retention of our clients vehicles after being released without charge for handling stolen goods. The Applicant was represented by another firm of solicitors for four years. Shortly after taking on the case, we made representations to the police which resulted in no further action being taken against the applicant. The police then returned all our clients vehicles and personal property.

JN -v-West Yorkshire Police (2019)

Successful challenge made to West Yorkshire Police regarding the continued retention of our clients vehicles whilst he was under a police investigation for handling stolen goods. The police returned our clients vehicles until the case is being investigated by the police.

AM -v-West Yorkshire Police (2018)

Successful challenge against the legality of a search warrant issued at Bradford Magistrates Court. The Police accepted liability and our clients vehicle was dropped off to his garage by the police.

JH -v-The Metropolitan Police (2015)

Successful challenge against the legality of a search warrant issued at Hammersmith Magistrates Court. The Police accepted liability and all seized items including, Designer handbags, computer equipment, and financial documents were all returned to our client. Our client was also paid compensation and we recovered our legal costs.

CJ -v- Bradford Magistrates Court (2015)

CJ was released with bail conditions including a curfew with doorstep conditions. An application was made before the Magistrates court to vary his bail address. This was granted. The Police arrested CJ a few days later stating that he has breached his bail by not residing at his bail address- which had not been updated on the court/police systems. Bradford Magistrates accepted liability and our client received £3000 compensation and we received a contribution towards our legal costs.

JN -v-West Yorkshire Police (2014)

Successful challenge against the legality of a search warrant issued at Bradford Magistrates Court. The Police accepted liability and all seized items including, computers, significant financial documents and Significant cash were all returned to our client. Our client was also paid compensation and we recovered our costs in Full.

Please contact us today in complete confidence to see how we can assist you in relation to your matter.